In order to be able to repair smartphones, you will need to have an in-depth understanding of smartphones, how they work, and all their internal components. A smartphone repair course is the best way to get this knowledge, as it will allow you to learn in a structured and simple way. Our smartphone repair course is a series of lessions, taught by people who have expert knowledge of repairing smartphones. Each lessions covers a major fault that smartphones are likely to develop, showing you how to identify the problem and how to repair or replace the faulty parts. Our course is a simple and easy way to learn everything you need to about how smartphones work and how to be able to repair them.
Learn Step By Step How To Fix Your Own Mobile Phones!
If you find yourself in need of some mobile repair, or want to learn more about it to perhaps start repairing Cell phones for a little extra money this website has the information you need
How to disassemble & assemble different types of cell phones
Identifying different parts of GSM and CDMA handsets
Tools used for mobile phone repairing
How to use different tools used for mobile repairing
Work of different parts & ICs
Jumpering Techniques
Techniques used to repair (troubleshooting) different faults
Course includes repairing basic as well as advanced cellular phones